


Our body consists of cells, organs and organic systems that we influence with what we eat, how we perceive, think and what external influences we are exposed to. Each cell works by expressing its genome stored in DNA through formation of proteins that build our body. The correct and coordinated action of them determines how healthy or sick we are.

A bio-energy therapist is a holistic healer whose each movement has specific purpose. By non-invasive action, the therapist transfers the information and frequencies from nature to the external energy body of individual about the proper functioning of the physical body and spirit. The therapist can thus regulate the proper functioning of unhealthy (misinformed) cells, organs and organ systems, and strengthens the immune system.



Bio-energy boosts self-healing ability in Head and Central body Ilnesses: Migraine, Ear (inflammation), Sinusitis, Eyes illnesses, Macular Degeneration, Epilepsy, Thyroid diseases, Immune system (e.g. Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia), Asthma and bronchitis, Severe lung disease with O2, Emphysema, Stomach illnesses, Intestinal Parasites, Heart and Artery diseases (e.g. High pressure), Kidney diseases, Adrenal glands disorders, Diabetes type 1 & 2, Pancreatitis, Liver diseases (e.g. Cirrhosis), Bladder diseases, Bowel diseases and disorders (e.g. Chrons disease), Erectile dysfunction, Prostate diseases, Sperm problems, Varicocele, Polycystic ovaries, Fetal retention,Endometriosis, Menopause, Clogged fallopian tubes, Infertility;Cancers and Tumors; Neuropathic and Neuromuscular ilnesses: Alzheimer, Autism, ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Hyperactivity;Other neuropathic illnesses: Psoriasis, Neurodermitis, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), Ulcerative Colitis, Cushings Syndrome, Vaskulitis, Stroke;Rheumatoid ilnesses: Acute Rheumatoid illnesses (e.g. Gout), Chronic Rheumatoid illnesses (e.g. Arthritis), Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis,Sceleton and Limb Ilnesses:Hernia disci, Gangrene, Venous thrombosis, Decubitus ulcer, Osteomyelitis, Phlebitis (Varicose Veins), Hemorrhoids.



Bio-energy therapy is performed by formally trained therapists according to a methodologically standardized and tested approach. The therapy is performed as an individual or group therapy. Individual therapy is carried out by a therapist on an individual in our therapeutic practice, at home or at a distance. Group therapy is performed by a group of therapists on individuals in a group setting, in our therapeutic practice. All therapies are non-invasive, painless, complementary and have no negative side effects. They are intended for individuals older than one year, are lasting between 15 and 20 minutes, and the effects are expressed within 21 days.


Dušan Stopar


Uroš Tory


Maja Deisinger


Ivan Breznik


Dragana Babić


Renata Štampar


Therapists and Doctors at Humanhealing are your support in the treatment of body, mind and spirit. With proven bioenergy, nutritional and immune therapies, we improve and alleviate adverse and disease conditions.

Humanhealing 2018. Vse pravice pridržane. I Powerpig Desing Studio