It is an intensive nutrition therapy aimed at curing cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. It focuses on treating the problems of the body, mind and spirit. With an aquatic 100% change in the dietary habits of an individual, we influence the chemical composition of the body and its ability to heal. Therapy is based on vision, philosophy and successful premature chemotherapy. Max Gerson at the beginning of the last century. In 1958, Dr. Max Gerson describes in his book Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases Thirty Years of Clinical Experience of Successful Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer Rates in Germany and the United States. With Therapy Dr. Max Gerson was cured of hundreds of cancerous and chronic patients. To date, the therapy has changed slightly due to its success. It is supplemented with clinical trials of patients’ treatment and new findings in the field of organic nutrition, adverse effects of medicines, dietary supplements, artificial sweeteners, trans fatty acids, fluorine, tobacco, alcohol, cosmetics, electromagnetic pollution and stress, and the understanding of modern diagnostics.
Max-Gerson therapy is based on a clinically perceived fact that patients with chronic diseases, in particular cancer, have low levels of response to the immune system and generally damaged tissue in the body. The most affected are liver tissue that is particularly affected by the onset of cancer, when toxic products of cancer cell breakdowns and various therapies are excreted from the bloodstream through the liver. The therapy is based on an intense increase in the amount of potassium in the body, which is very important in cell metabolism. In the food that is daily introduced into the body, salt is predominant, potassium, which sinks in green fruits and vegetables, is neglected. Within the framework of Max-Gerson therapy, we introduce naturally occurring potassium, iodine, and oxidation enzymes into the body through a specially designed 100% organic diet. It contains no sodium salt, it is free of fats and oils (except for flax) and has a minimum amount of animal protein. Large quantities of vegetable and fruit juices (3 liters per day) and regular coffee whistles (3-5 days) allow for the repair of damaged liver and the elimination of toxic products resulting from the metabolism of cancer cells. Therapy should be carried out for at least a year if it is to be successful in the long term in the treatment of diseases such as advanced cancer rates.
The therapy is suited for Head and Central body Ilnesses: Migraine, Ear (inflammation), Sinusitis, Eyes illnesses, Macular Degeneration, Epilepsy, Thyroid diseases, Immune system (e.g. Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia), Asthma and bronchitis, Severe lung disease with O2, Emphysema, Stomach illnesses, Intestinal Parasites, Heart and Artery diseases (e.g. High pressure), Kidney diseases, Adrenal glands disorders, Diabetes type 1 & 2, Pancreatitis, Liver diseases (e.g. Cirrhosis), Bowel diseases and disorders (e.g. Chrons disease), Endometriosis, Infertility; Cancers and Tumors: Lymphatic diseases (including Lymphoma), Melanoma, Breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, Early stage astrocytome, Fibroids; Neuropathic and Neuromuscular ilnesses: Multiple Sclerosis, Hyperactivity; Other neuropatic ilnesses:Psoriasis, Lupus Erythematosus, Ulcerative Colitis, Cushings Syndrome; Rheumatoid ilnesses:Gout, Chronic Rheumatoid illnesses (e.g. Arthritis), Ankylosing Spondylitis; Sceleton and Limb Ilnesses:Osteomyelitis, Phlebitis (Varicose Veins), Hemorrhoids, Osteoporosis; Infectious diseases: AIDS, Candidiasis, Genital Herpes, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Shingles (Herpes Zoster), Lyme Disease, Mononucleosis, Ocular Histoplasmosis; Other diseases and Disorders: Allergy, Addictions, Chemical sensitivities, Depression/Panic attacks, Obesity.
Mag-Gerson therapy is practiced by formal medical staff and doctor of medicine. It is adapted to each patient individually. The therapy is carried out in two steps, as education and as an individual therapy. All therapies are painless, complementary and have no harmful side effects. Individual therapies are for individuals over 12 years of age, lasting 15 to 20 minutes, and the effects are expressed after two months.